Between Bordeaux and
the Bassin d'Arcachon, France
Fasting Course: Buchinger Fasting
After you, ...’s your organism that needs to take some holidays. Grant him an alimentary break in order to permit him to regenerate and take back strength and energy.
Join one of our Lettuce Bloom fasting groups with other motivated health oriented people, in order to make this a unique experience and learn to fast in your regular environment.
If you want to...
...finally take time for yourself and do something good for your body and soul
...refill your energy and ressource to get back to your strength
...spend moments of exchange, well-being activities and get inspired by a group dynamic where you can share your feelings and experiences
Then our Buchinger Fasting is the right experience for you in order to reconnect to yourself!
Fasting was, is and always will be an exotic way of nutrition or non-nutrition. Since thousands of years fasting counts in various religions into a ritual cleaning of body, mind and soul.
Within our affluent society full of luxury and overindulge, fasting became modern again as a counter movement of voluntary abstinence and to support our self-healing capabilities.
During this one week course, you will learn and apply the base of the Buchinger Fasting practice, which is a German Fasting method based on liquids such as herbal teas, water, vegetable juices and vegetable broth.
Learn more about the different ways of fasting from your Holistic Health Coach Daniela at Lettuce Bloom and get accompanied along your way.
After the course you will... proud of yourself to have granted some attention to your body, mind and soul.
...have a new relationship to food.
...know that you can survive without eating for days or even weeks. able to listen more to your body.
...taste more, as your gustative nerves had been reset.
...have relaxed and become more mindful of your environment.
...have learned plenty of new things and will be re motivated.
...have met great new people that might have a similar mindset to accompany your new way of life.
Who wants to stay strong, healthy and young and want to extend his life time, should be moderate in everything, breathe pure air, do daily skin care and physical exercise, keep your head cold, your feet warm and cure a small ailment with fasting rather than medicine.
- Hippokrates von Kos (460 – 370 v.Chr.) -
What to expect from the course:
For this course you should be based in between Bordeaux metropole and the Bassin d'Arcachon or be willing to replace yourself for the dedicated time of our fasting week. You will learn to fast and be in your regular environment. Therefore this course is dedicated to people who cannot take time off in order to travel somewhere to fast and to people who want to make fasting be part of their lives.
Details to our program :
...the following program points are not obligatory, if you are not able to join us on one of the days you will receive the details of our meeting per mail. If you are interested into additional activities such as Spa or massages, I can provide you with some adresses.
Our first meeting* will be 1 1/2 weeks prior the start of the fasting where you will learn all important facts about fasting and about our program itself.
*Depending on the situation this meeting will be on video or in person.
You will learn how to prepare your fasting broth, your future dinner meal for 5 days as well as how to prepare your juices for that time. The juices will be prepared with an extractor, if you dont have the ability to extract your own juices, you will also learn which bought juices you can use.
We will prepare, fast and follow up on our fasting under the supervision of your Fasting tutor and Holistic Health Coach Daniela. For any questions or uncertainties I will available for you before, during and after the fasting week.
Learn to get control over your thoughts and let yourself go during our two meditation sessions (on video). We will practice breathing exercises in order to try to calm our thoughts and slowly float into meditation.
Meet for two walks in nature within the group. We will discover parks in the surroundings of Bordeaux, take some fresh air and give our body the needed movements to keep all our liquids in action.
Free Ad-on's:
Receive recipes in order to ideally accompany the phases of the preparation and follow up of the fasting.
Stay connected within our with the other participants and your coach in our whatsapp group.
During our cooking class you will receive a goodie bag with a few tools to support your fasting week.
...Ideally you are able to take time off from work for the 5 days of fasting or try to work from home. If you are not able to take time off, this course won't be a no-go, as you are able to also follow the program besides work. Anyhow, our first 3 days (Friday to Sunday) you should be at the comfort of your home, as those days are the most mental challenging days. This time will be a time for yourself, so it will be important to take distance to your regular life and be surrounded by people who support your project.
Due to the current situation, this course is limited to 8 participants under respect of the sanitary safety measures.
...5 days of accompanied fasting in a group (in or around Bordeaux)
...1 x juicing and broth cooking class
...2 x sessions of respiration and meditation
...2 x walks in nature in a group (in parcs/forests of the Bordeaux area)
...accompanying documentation (pdf) (pdf)
...1 goodie bag
...whatsapp group
...availability of your coach 24/7 dynamic and multiple exchanges
...profit of a special rate on an ayurvedique massage with Stephanie of Lotus et Sésame
Daniela est votre guide pour vous faire vivre pleinement l’expérience d’un jeûne alimentaire. Coach en santé et professeur(e) de yoga, son parcours s’étoffe d’une formation d’accompagnatrice de jeûne et de nutritionniste vegan/végétarien. Daniela vous accompagne vers une démarche d’apprentissage du jeûne à la maison afin de vous rendre autonome sur cette pratique sans pour autant bouleverser votre quotidien. Une approche idéale qui permet de concilier votre vie familiale et professionnelle avec votre santé et bien-être.
Stéphanie est à votre disposition pour vous permettre d'accéder à un lâcher-prise, grâce à une écoute bienveillante et un toucher respectueux. Praticienne en massage ayurvédique, elle vous invite à découvrir cette pratique qui constitue l'un des fondements de l'Ayurveda, système de santé indien. Ce massage à l'huile permet d'éliminer un maximum de tensions, détoxiner le corps, rééquilibrer la circulation de l'énergie vitale, retrouver l'harmonie du corps et de l'esprit. Tous ces bienfaits en font un véritable complément à la pratique du jeûne.
Retrouvez Stéphanie sur Lotus et Sésame
Daniela has been a real coach, a conductor! She is listening, gives tips and is available. This was a true experience, this fasting cure, with a juicing and broth cooking class, excursions in nature, meditation, yoga and recipes.
My rest button has worked, I feel in harmony between my spirit and body! A well-being that I want to keep and I can't wait to apply a different way of nourishing myself starting from zero.
Thank you Daniela
What an experience to have fasted for 5 days! I succeeded and it makes me feel great! Thank you Daniela for your daily support and advices. Accessible 24/7 I felt very comfortable and supported. In addition to the help given during the preparation of the fasting and the resumption of nutrition, we met during the 5 days of fasting for: walking, meditation, yoga, ... This without forgetting the recipe cards that I can't wait to put into practice! Simply wonderful!
I highly recommend Daniela for her cooking classes but also for her supervision during a fasting course. I had the opportunity to practice these two activities with her and I am very satisfied. The recipes are delicious and healthy and Daniela also gives us some good tips. As for the 5-day fast, it is a very enriching and energizing experience. Daniela's reassuring and benevolent accompaniment was great and I thank her.